Monday, October 12, 2009

Winter Season - Week 8

Men do less than they ought, unless they do all they can.
~Thomas Carlyle

Fundraising Tip:
Make copies of your letter and keep it in your purse or car. Make sure you give one to people you run into on the street. You never know!

Frequently Asked Questions:
It's that wonderful time in the season when we take a look at how well your training is going and how well your fundraising is going and determine whether it is wise to continue on. We really want to cure cancer so we want to inspire all of you to continue on, but we don't want you to pay your fundraising minimum yourselves unless that is your choice. We ask for a credit card number at recommitment because we want you to confirm your commitment to raising the necessary funds to get you to your event and fulfill the Society's mission of 75 cents on every dollar going to research and patient services. After recommitment I will begin booking travel, making sure we have a great hotel lined up, registering everyone for their event, and verifying our parties are secured. Please be sure to fill out the paperwork thoroughly so we don't have a lot of changes and fees. Don't forget, you have 30 days after your event to continue to raise funds, so even if I do have to charge your card, you'll have time to make up the difference for a refund. Recommitment Paperwork will be mailed out Monday October 26th!!!

Mission Moment:
In Memory Of William Fischer
WI United States
Lived with Lymphoma T-Cell for 1 year, 4 months

My father died in 1994 after a fast, but courageous battle with T-Cell Lymphoma. I miss him so very much, and wish every day that he could be here. My biggest sorrow is that my daughter and son will never have a chance to know their grandfather.

I pray every day that new treatments will be developed so that other fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters can live longer, fuller lives.

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